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Al and Rossie Showalter

We have been special friends of Morey and Carol for many years and have so many happy memories of our times together. We feel that our lives have been enriched by our association and friendship. I remember that during the Brown Business College days we both had so little money, but our friendship was established during the days that we shared in that classroom over the Haines and Essex store in Decatur. I remember that we shared many noontime meals at Grieder's Cafeteria and sometimes Carol would join us there. In later years we renewed our friendship and were always amazed at how our lives had paralled in so many aspects. We both shared our memories of our time in Korea, the similarity of our families, our love of our Methodist Churches, and the fact that we each raised two sons. Even though fate caused Morey pain and suffering, he maintained his dignity and was always articulate. His faith never seemed to waiver, he stayed steadfast in his love of Carol, his family and his God. What a wonderful legacy he has left for us and all who loved him. Thanks Morey for the memories!!!

Al and Rossie

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